Bus Charters
Wherever you need to go, a bus charter is the way to go!
Looking for a taxi in Onslow-then check out our Local Community Transfers.
Flying in or out of Onslow on a public or private flight we suggest to book ahead.
If it’s a 5 to 55 seater you need for your event, travel, project, or shutdown: then we can help.
Onslow Northwest Bus Charters has many happy customers!
We now operate site bussing at Chevron’s Wheatstone LNG Project after support during construction. BHP Macedon Gas Plant is a regular weekly customer too! In fact, we have given support to many a resource or construction company in and around Onslow.
Here are some travel ideas:
- Project Bussing and regular staff mobilisation
- Shutdown Transport
- Event Support for functions
- Opening Days or celebrations
- Airport transfers
- Trips to Karratha Airport
- Shopping trips
- Patient Transport
- Hot shot or urgent deliveries